Brain break activities for renewed energy

Brain break activities featured image

Think of the last time you were struggling to get something done at work. Maybe you’d been working at the same thing for a while and it was getting harder to keep your mind focused on the task. 

After a while, you probably got up, stepped away from your desk and got yourself a coffee or popped to the bathroom. When you sat back down at your desk, you probably found that your focus had improved and you were able to finish your work. What you did there was take a brain break. And it made you more productive. 

So, maybe your kids could benefit from brain breaks too. 


What is a brain break? 

A brain break is a break from whatever your child has been working on. It’s a chance to shift the focus to something else for a bit to give your brain a rest. It’s a bit like sitting down for 5 minutes when you’ve been on your feet for ages. 

Brain breaks can take many different forms to help you relax or to boost your energy levels. Think star jumps, stretches, doodling, deep breathing, drinking a glass of water – there are so many possibilities. 


What can a brain break achieve? 

When you’re trying to get your child to finish their homework or their chores, it may seem a little counterintuitive to suggest that they take a break! Shouldn’t they just persevere until they complete the task? 

You might find things go better if you give them a 5-minute breather.  As the BBC reports, there are now ‘mountains of evidence’ to show that brain breaks can:

  • Reduce stress
  • Keep people engaged
  • Make a task more enjoyable. 

Engaged…enjoying it…not stressed – isn’t that how you’d like your child to approach their work? 


Movement-based brain break ideas 

If your child has been sitting for a while, then getting up and moving can provide a good brain break. A short burst of exercise can:

  • Improve mental alertness
  • Increase energy
  • Boost mood.

One study found that German adults were 20% better at learning new vocabulary after exercise. What if the same is true for kids? 

Movement-based brain breaks can be a lot of fun. Your child could try:

  • Star jumps
  • Snow angels
  • Jogging on the spot
  • Hopping like a frog
  • Push-ups. 


Quieter brain break ideas 

If your child seems overstimulated or overwhelmed, then a quieter brain break may help. 

Your child could try

  • Sitting still, closing their eyes and feeling their heartbeat
  • Colouring in a picture
  • Blowing bubbles
  • Doing some slow stretches
  • Breathing deeply and slowly for a few minutes
  • Shaking a glitter jar
  • Meditating.  


When to take a brain break

You can use brain breaks in several ways. You could: 

  • Suggest a brain break when you can see your child is getting frustrated or distracted
  • Plan a break after a certain amount of time – e.g. every 10 minutes until they’ve finished their homework
  • Plan a break after a certain amount of progress – e.g. a break happens after they’ve completed 10 questions. 

A break is not meant to slide into complete stoppage, though. If the plan is for a 5-minute break, then make sure your child understands that – it can help to set a timer. When it goes off, remind your child to go back to the task. 


How can Neurofit Brain Centre help? 

At Neurofit, we love helping growing brains to function well. Kids with conditions like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may particularly benefit from brain breaks to relieve pressure and improve focus. 

We believe that brain activity makes an active difference. Our program stimulates the brain in certain ways to strengthen both function and connection to ease symptoms of conditions like ADHD.

Please book an assessment today. 



All information is general and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Neurofit Brain Centre can consult with you to confirm if a particular treatment approach is right for you.

