Laser therapy for kids and adults

Photobiomodulation (laser therapy) is the therapeutic application of light to produce energy in cells. Brain laser therapy is a non-invasive treatment that may ease symptoms of many different conditions when used as part of a broader treatment plan.

How does photobiomodulation work?

Laser therapy works by delivering specific wavelengths of light to targeted tissues in the body. In practice, it may look like this:

Optomotor Therapy


light interacts with photosensitive cells in your retinas, which convert the light energy into electrical signals that are transmitted to the visual processing areas of your brain

laser therapy

Vitamin D synthesis

when you’re in the sunshine, ultraviolet B light strikes your skin causing a reaction that converts a form of cholesterol to vitamin D3, which helps your body absorb calcium

What is photobiomodulation used for?

Laser therapy in Neurofit Brain Centre

[Photobiomodulation therapy] has been shown to be effective in the treatment of traumatic brain injury and neurodegenerative diseases…In the psychological realm, it has displayed effects on learning and memory, attention, executive functions, and several psychiatric disorders…Therefore, PBM can be considered an innovative and potential treatment for a wide range of neurological, psychological, and psychiatric disorders… 

Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews,

Volume 119, December 2020, Pages 242-254

Help heal, stimulate and protect damaged tissues
Stress and depression
Sleep disturbances
Traumatic brain injury
Executive function and memory
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Bipolar disorder

Working memory and laser therapy

You rely on working memory (short-term memory) constantly throughout the day to complete tasks like packing a bag, cooking a meal, doing homework or recalling directions.

Working memory is a short-term type of memory that helps you to:

It’s an important executive function that can be weakened by neurological or neurodevelopmental conditions. Working memory deficits are a recognised feature of conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, for example.

Working memory can also be an issue for people with ADHD. Indeed, 85% of children with ADHD have difficulties with working memory – that can be why they drift off-course when given a list of instructions like “Tidy your room, then pack your bag, then clean your teeth.”

Light therapy may offer a non-invasive way to enhance working memory in people with ADHD, which may make many aspects of life run more smoothly.

Early studies show that light therapy could also improve cognitive function and working memory in dementia patients.

Neurofit Brain Centre

What to expect during treatment

Laser therapy is a gentle, non-invasive procedure. You may experience sensations of warmth or mild tingling during the treatment. Some patients find it quite relaxing!

You can usually resume your normal daily activities as soon as you leave the clinic.

What results can I expect?

Laser therapy outcomes are influenced by various factors, including individual health status and other treatments. Outcomes vary among individuals and research is ongoing.

While promising results have been reported in studies, laser therapy is typically considered as one part of a broader treatment plan that includes conventional care.

Laser therapy at Neurofit Brain Centre

At Neurofit Brain Centre, we use many evidence-based therapies designed to stimulate the chosen area of the brain.

Often, we’ll use several of these at once (co-activation) giving your brain the maximum opportunity to form new neural pathways and strengthen itself. After a thorough assessment, we’ll recommend a program of treatment that may include photobiomodulation therapy, which may help retrain your brain and relieve some of the symptoms that trouble you.